Why Luxury Car Brands Don’t Spend Money on Advertising?

Iqra Tanzeel
2 min readApr 11, 2023


Where would you like to open your shop for high-end garments where even an undergarment costs in excess of ₹1000/-?

Would you choose a high-end Mall or shopping plaza for your shop or will you go for a middle-class neighborhood for your shop?

Think over it.

While you scratch your head for the best location for your shop let us go ahead. You know that aspirational products are sold by touching emotions. While costly and highly niche products are sold on the banner of exclusivity.

Because ego drives men to seek products that are exclusive and can be afforded by a “select few”.

TV caters to upper and below classes’ sensibilities.

Audi, Mercedes, Jaguar, etc are very expensive, high-quality products due to their premium pricing and have limited reach. Such expensive high-quality products have few select buyers who can afford these expensive products. In nutshell, these are niche products.

☢ The target audience (read those who can afford to buy) of these products buy their products differently. These high-cost, high-price products need a different kind of “pull marketing”.

So these products are promoted through different media like placing ads in high-end magazines, trade shows, etc. Advertising-these expensive cars, expensive watches or expensive ladies’ purses, etc on TV will be wasting money.

TV or social media ads are costly and are more suited for products with mass demand. All these car brands may sell Max a few thousand units per month. These high-end cars are very profitable products for their manufacturers so a thousand unit sales per month also at the country level will suffice them.

Such expensive products create a sense of exclusivity around them by selling through showrooms in metro cities only. These products are sold by creating an aura around them.

So that’s why “Your target audience” is the key factor. Hope it helps!

